Electrical Panel Upgrades in San Diego and the surrounding area
Professional Electrical Panel Replacement
Did you know, electrical panels tend to last 20-40 years? Furthermore, consumers are using more power each year, usually beyond the intended capacity. Whether you have an older home or a modern home, it's important to have the proper equipment, amperage, and the right electric panel replacement.
Family First Solar Electric can help you determine the signs to look out for before deciding to upgrade your electrical panel.
Signs You Need To Replace Your Electric Panel
Your home's power supply is not only the foundation of your home but can also pose many dangers if left unnoticed. Additionally, it's important to ensure that you are using the right power amperage to avoid overload and potential fires.
We recommend that you periodically check your panel for any: rust, buzzing, the smell of burning rubber or plastic, or even burn marks. Furthermore, if you are experiencing any lights flickering, new major appliances installed, home remodeling, circuit breaker constantly trip, or even an increase in family members, call Family First Solar Electric today as you may need an electrical panel upgrade.